To start the claims process, please complete the correct Claims Form provided below.Before submitting your claim, please read your policy schedule to make sure you arecovered and have a valid claim.
Fill out the online claims form here: Claims Form
Phone: 0161 974 1101
Cover4insurance Claims Team,
Stream Claims Services,
Copthall House,
King Street,
Newcastle under Lyme,
ST5 1EL.
If you have a valid claim obtain a claim form from Complete andreturn it along with:
All claims for theft or loss must be reported to the police.
To make a claim,
Please fill in our claims form: click here will deal with all claims. You must refer all correspondence and telephoneenquiries to at the following address:
Cover4tenants Claims Team,Stream Claims Services,
Copthall House,
King Street,
Newcastle under Lyme,
ST5 1EL.
Telephone: 0161 974 1101
Check your policy to ensure that the cause of the loss or damage is covered. Your schedule will showwhich cover sections are operative.
Please include the following details:
All claims for theft or loss must be reported to the police.
We will not accept responsibility if the Claims Notification and Advice Helpline Services fail forreasons beyond our control.
To make a claim, if your policy number starts with C4BD202...
Please fill in our claims form: click here
Cover4insurance will deal with all claims. You must refer all correspondence and telephone esquiresto cover4insurance at the following address:
Things You Must Do.
You must comply with the following conditions. If you fail to do so and this affects the ability ofthe claims administrator to fully assess your claim or keep our losses to a minimum, we may not payyour claim or any payment could be reduced.
For all claims except Legal Expenses claims:
Please fill in a claims form: Claims Form will deal with all claims. You must refer all correspondence and telephoneenquiries to at the following address:
Cover4insurance Claims Team,
Stream Claims Services,
Copthall House,
King Street,
Newcastle under Lyme,
ST5 1EL.
Telephone: 0161 974 1101
Check your student's contents insurance policy to ensure that the cause of the loss or damage iscovered. Your schedule will show which cover sections are operative.
Please include the following details:
All claims for theft or loss must be reported to the police.
For all Legal Expenses claims:
Legal Claims Notification & Advice Helpline Service: – 01384 887575
We will not accept responsibility if the Claims Notification and Advice Helpline Services fail forreasons beyond our control.
If something’s gone wrong and you need to make a claim, don’t worry — we’ve tried to make it as simple as possible.
We have appointed rightpath claims to look after claims.
You can find full details of the claims procedure on pages 36 & 37 of the Policy Wording Document (page 27 for the gadget section of the Policy Wording Document ).
This policy does not provide cover for any pre-existing medical condition/s that you have at the time of purchase of this policy or had prior to the purchase of this policy.
Full details can be found within the policy wording .
For all claims except Legal Expenses claims:
Please fill in a claims form: Claims Form will deal with all claims. You must refer all correspondence and telephoneenquiries to at the following address:
Cover4tenants Claims Team,Stream Claims Services,
Copthall House,
King Street,
Newcastle under Lyme,
ST5 1EL.
Telephone: 0161 974 1101
Check your policy to ensure that the cause of the loss or damage is covered. Your schedule will showwhich cover sections are operative.
Please include the following details:
All claims for theft or loss must be reported to the police.
Legal Claims Notification & Advice Helpline Service: – 01384 887575
We will not accept responsibility if the Claims Notification and Advice Helpline Services fail forreasons beyond our control.
In the event your insured keys are lost, stolen or accidentally broken, or have been locked inside your principal home or vehicle, you should contact our dedicated helpline straightaway on 01480 775069.
Please have ready your policy number and the name of the insurance intermediary who sold you this insurance and give the following scheme reference number FLISCH1000.
This helpline is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. All calls are recorded for training purposes. Alternatively, you can notify claims by email to:
Please have ready your policy number or the name of the organisation who sold you this insurance.
Please note the following important information: